Question: I have registered, what do I do now?
Answer:Call the helpdesk to activate your account
Question: How do I retrieve tokens?
Answer:Add your meter to private sector. Make sure you have extended its meter registration. On the details page of your subsector, input how many units you would like and how many tokens you would like for each meter. Click purchase and wait for your tokens.
Question: How do I add meters?
Answer:Login, click Add meter from the menu on the left, input your meter number and submit.
Question: How do I extend the registration expiry date of a meter?
Answer: On the subsector details page, search for your meter and click on its meter number. Click extend expiry date.
Question How do I know if my meter's registration is expired?
Answer: On your subsector's details page, look for the meter you would like to know about and look in the registration expiry column, it will say expired.
Question: What happens if I get semi-successful transactions?
Answer: Redo the purchases for the tokens that did not get generated. If the problem persists, Call helpdesk
Question: How do I retrieve credit?
Answer: Make a deposit into Private Sector's bank account. Once we have cleared that the funds are in our bank account, your subsector account will be updated with credits.
Question: What is a token credit?
Answer: A non refundable credit that allows for 1 token to be purchased free of charge.